Bug Lady Ms. Johnstone Rules!

Compare & Contrast: Eukaryotic Cells

October 27

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Amber Is This Girl’s Best Friend

October 27

Andrew gave me a super cool birthday gift. A piece of amber estimated to be 40 million years old (Eocene) with three bees and some plant fragments embedded. These shots were taken with a Sony Cybershot held up to the eyepiece of the dissecting microscope. Oh yeah, he also gave me a Nikon Alphaphot YS microscope. Bug Lady is very happy!


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Aboriginal Style Art

October 20

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Web Quest Links

October 17

DO NOW QUESTION FOR 10/17 & 10/18

What is Cell Theory? Can you write the four parts of cell theory?

http://www.wiley.com/college/boyer/0470003790/animations/cell_structure/cell_structure.htm Cell Structure Link (For Completing Worksheet)

http://www.carolina.com/teacher-resources/Interactive/online-game-cell-structure-cellcraft-biology/tr11062.tr Cell Craft Link (Second Site – After Worksheet)

http://www.ibiblio.org/virtualcell/ The Virtual Cell (Optional Study Site)

Exit Ticket – We will be doing research papers this year.  What is something you like to research about the cell?  You cannot write nothing, or IDK.   Think stem cells, sickle cell anemia, or Google cell research, cell diseases or types of cells.

Bill Nye – Cells

October 14

Click here for cells worksheet

Cells, Cells They’re Made of Organelles!

October 7

You know you want to sing it!

Textbook Reading Homework p.92-95

October 7

I didn’t have time to load the images, but click on these links to download the reading pages or the worksheet. You should have your book, and I printed out these worksheets for you. So read about cells and we’ll begin to study them.

“Cells, cells, they’re made of organelles!”

reading guide 92-95

92-95 textbook

Textbook Reading & Worksheet Due 10/7/13

October 5

reading guide 33-34

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Exam Review Powerpoint

September 26

Read your textbook, review your notes, look at graded assignments, and of course get on the internet and look up things you need to know better. Oh yeah, you can email me and use the other blog posts!

Homework Help: Graphic Organizer

September 21

This is a cool video, but what I’m asking you to do for Graphic Organizer Creators is much easier.

Just read about organizers for a few minutes by reading the handout I gave you when we began. There are five organizers described in the handout, and you drew an example of each. Then draw another example of each but use some new information or theme. That’s where you can be creative and stretch, or keep it simple but show you understand.

When I said make it colorful and make it neat, that doesn’t mean you have to necessarily draw anything unless you want to. Just using color can indicate relationship if things on your organizer (Google images of “graphic organizers). It’s like mapping the way you would explain something. Mind Mapping! It even sounds so much cooler than graphic organizer – well, that’s what you’re working up to, Little Panthers. You can do this!

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The earliest stage in the lifecycle of the Bug Lady has been traced to the Midwest in the early 1990s, where elementary students near the Illinois State University campus were presented with live insects from the ISU Entomology Lab by an inspired graduate student.

Wings unfurled, she expanded her range as Associate Director of Education for Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences in Peoria. Bug Lady appeared frequently in school outreach and after school enrichment programs, summer camps, senior homes, and occasionally on the local news. In 2001, she served as President of the Peoria Academy of Sciences, reviving the Entomology section and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science.

She then migrated to the west coast, not unlike the Monarch butterfly, to bask in the California sun and tend to her newly hatched larva (baby Sophie). “In my mind and my heart, I’ve always been the Bug Lady, not so much for the knowledge I’ve acquired regarding insects, but more for the feeling that I’m in a constant state of metamorphosis – ever changing.”

Now, after a long diapause, the imago of Bug Lady has recently been sited in Alameda summer programs along with her assistant, Bug Gurl. She is taking flight in cyberspace to share her love of insects, science and life in general with enthusiasts of all ages.